Mission Statement

Mission Statement: By following Jesus’ example, standing side by side we will nurture each other to fulfil our hopes and dreams.

Motto: If you can dream it, you can achieve it!

Aims: Following Jesus’ example we will:
Develop trusting relationships
Respect, love and forgive all
Encourage curiosity and confidence
Aspire to be the best we can be
Make a difference by working together

The following objectives detail some of the many practical ways in which we hope to achieve the aims of our Mission Statement.

Develop trusting relationships by:
  • Create a welcoming school, with honest and open communication, in which we work in co- operation with our parents in an atmosphere of mutual respect and friendship.
  • Encouraging children to interact in a positive, caring, mature and sensitive manner and to become aware of the individual needs of others.
  • Following examples set by all staff – children see the Gospel values in practice every day, everywhere they look.
  • Encouraging children to take an active part in decision making through the School Council.
  • Having high expectations of standards of behaviour and having a consistent approach with all children.

Respect, love and forgive all by:
  • Ensuring that our Mission Statement is the foundation of all policies.
  • Communicating the Christian message of love, justice, tolerance and respect as the basis of all relationships.
  • Staff leading by example - consistently modelling positive relationships and promoting high standards in all areas of school life.
  • Having daily acts of collective worship which are often planned and led by children.
  • Exploring other faiths and developing empathy and understanding of others beliefs and traditions through our Come & See RE scheme.
  • Supporting everyone’s journey of faith; making prayer, worship and liturgy central to all we do.
  • Integrating the Gospel Values and teaching of the Catholic Church into every aspect of learning, teaching and the whole school life.

Encourage curiosity and confidence by:
  • Delivering a creative curriculum which allows links to be made between all subjects and promotes pupils curiosity and creativity.
  • Providing opportunities to explore our world through trips and visits, and in doing so making learning real and enjoyable.
  • Supporting those with additional needs through differentiation and our SEND policy and the use of outside agencies when necessary.
  • Providing opportunities for children to take part in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, e.g. music, cooking, a wide variety of sports.
  • Providing our staff with ongoing professional development programmes.
  • Actively promoting an awareness, concern and responsibility for creating an attractive and safe environment both internally and externally.

Aspire to be the best we can be by:
  • Encouraging children to produce their best efforts and work independently through praise, encouragement and reassurance.
  • Providing all with differentiated work and individual targets to enable them to become the best that they can be.
  • Monitoring and addressing individual needs regularly.
  • Showing positive reinforcement at all times and in all areas and encouraging everyone to take a sense of ownership.
  • Making children feel valued by recognising their individual talents and achievements through weekly celebration assemblies, reward certificates and individual rewards within each class.
  • Celebrating personal qualities and strengths through weekly celebration assemblies.

Make a difference by working together by:
  • Acknowledging and valuing the uniqueness of each individual and having a shared belief.
  • Welcoming all with a warm and caring atmosphere.
  • Fostering strong relationships with all members of our school community.
  • Respecting our environment and encouraging all to take a pride in our school through projects with Forest Schools, Eco Warriors and gardening club.
  • Supporting charities, including local ones such as ‘The Brick Project’ and Wigan and Leigh Hospice, as well as international ones such as CAFOD.
  • Collaboratively working with governors, staff, pupils, parents, parish and community.
  • Being interested in the world outside of our school and future development
  • Developing our home-school links by always being accessible to parents. We listen to parents and act on information received; involve parents with homework; hold half-termly topic afternoons; stay and pray sessions; weekly newsletters; RE newsletters; school website, information meetings for parents in Nursery, Reception and Year 6; two parents evenings and end of year reports.
  • Liaising closely with St John Fisher High School to encourage smooth transitions.

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