The Eco Council is a group of pupils and staff who meet each half term to discuss how we can be eco-friendlier. We discuss any environmental issues within school and help to elevate these. As well as this, we discuss environmental issues that could affect our future lives with a consideration for global issues. Last year, the Eco Council achieved the Green Flag Award for our school for their hard work in raising the profile of being more sustainable and environmentally friendly around school. We have two members from each class in Key Stage 1 and 2. Our Eco Council members are:
Year 1: Christian and Dolly
Year 2: Risha and Alex M
Year 3: Alani and Peggy
Year 4: Rico and Gracie
Year 5: Charlie W and Darlah-Rae
Year 6: Zane and Caitlin
At the beginning of each year, pupils can apply to become an Eco Councillor. Anyone who would like to be considered for the role will put their name forward and explain their reasons for doing so, so that the other pupils in class can then vote for their preferred choice.
We begin each year by completing an environmental review to find out our school’s successes and areas for improvement. We then use this to create an action plan for the upcoming year. Throughout the year each Eco Councillor meets with their class to discuss ideas about changes and improvements to the school. The issues are then raised in meetings and Eco Councillors discuss how to move forward with these ideas. We also litter pick in the surrounding area of school to keep our local area tidy. A newsletter is sent out each term to share what we have been doing and offer top tips for how to be more environmentally friendly.
· To continue to promote environmental awareness and stewardship across school
· To continue to raise ecological issues within the school curriculum across all year groups.
· To work continue to work with the Faith in Action Group and School Council to achieve the ‘LiveSimply’ Award
· To achieve the Modeshift STARS Silver Award (sustainable travel to and from school)
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