
We are an IQM Flagship School

Inclusion at St Williams Catholic Primary School

At St William’s Catholic Primary School, our curriculum stems from our Mission Statement: 


‘By following Jesus’ example, standing side by side, we will nurture each other to fulfil our hopes and dreams’. 


We are passionate about helping every child to fulfil their potential and become an all-round versatile citizen with the skills needed to succeed in life. We design our curriculum to ensure it is fully inclusive of every child and that it addresses each aspect of how a child develops, progresses and grows both academically and emotionally. We recognise that we live in a rapidly changing digital world and at St William’s we want to enable our children to not just learn WHAT to think, but HOW to think by developing intellectual learning behaviours. ‘Thinking’ is at the heart of our curriculum because our intent is to future proof our children so they become independent and resilient citizens. 

  • Intent

    At St. William’s Catholic Primary School, we believe that all children are entitled to receive a high-quality education regardless of their needs and/or disabilities. We believe that it is vital that our children are equipped with the tools needed to become independent learners, both inside and outside of the classroom. In addition, we believe that all children should receive an education that enables them to achieve the best possible outcomes, through growth in confidence; an ability to communicate own views and a readiness to make a successful transition into secondary school and then adulthood. 

    Through our quality first teaching, planning and provision we:

     Ensure that needs are identified as early as possible and support is put into place;

     Ensure that children have access to a board and balanced curriculum which is appropriately adapted to enable children to succeed;

     Provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the needs of all pupils;

    • Develop children’s independence;
    • Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND;
    • Work closely with parents and carers;
    • Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to ensure that there is a collaborative approach to support children with SEND;

  • Implementation

    At St. William’s Catholic Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Our provision is enhanced by the collaboration of teachers, senior leaders, SENDCo, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly the children. 

    Pupils with SEND will:

    • Be included (to the best of our ability) in all aspects of the school day;
    • Be provided with Quality First Teaching, adapted to meet their needs;
    • Be respected and acknowledged.

    Pupils with SEND may:

    • Have specific 1:1 or group support in order to access different areas of the curriculum;
    • Take part in interventions linked to their specific needs/difficulties;
    • Receive additional support/ or programme of support from a speech and language therapist;
    • Work alongside external agencies, such as: Targeted Education Support Teacher; Educational Psychologist, CAMHS practitioner, occupational therapist…
  • Impact

    The impact and measure of implementation is to ensure children not only acquire the appropriate age related knowledge linked to the curriculum, but also skills which equip them to progress from their starting points. In shaping our curriculum this way, progress can be measured and evidenced for all children, regardless of their starting points or specific need. 

    We shall assess the impact of our curriculum by high quality teacher assessment, formal assessments for core subjects (including NFER), effective intervention and support, the use of nationally standardised tests in core subjects, professional reflection and consultation with pupils and parents and other means of external support. These methods will ensure teaching is matched to learning needs and pupils build learning blocks and competences as they grow. We will also mentor their attitudes to self and school and enhance their personal development.

    As a result of the provision above, children at St. William’s Catholic Primary School will:

    • Feel safe, secure and cared for;
    • Show confidence and resilience in the classroom;
    • Demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities;
    • Make progress from their starting points;
    • Develop independence and skills to support them throughout life;
    • Work collaboratively with their peers

Key Documentation

SEND Policy SEND Information Report Accessibility Plan

Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM)

  • What is the IQM Award?

    The Inclusion Quality Mark provides schools with a nationally recognised framework to guide their inclusion journey. The IQM team help schools evaluate and measure how they are performing; empowering them to improve and grow. And when they’re successful, we recognise their achievement through a system of highly valued awards that provide external validation of their inclusive status.

    Inclusion promotes equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. It pays particular attention to the provision made for, and the achievement of, different groups of pupils within a school. At Woodhill we strive to ensure the needs of all children are central to all that we do.

  • What is Flagship Status?

    What is Flagship Status?

    This award recognises schools that have held IQM Centre of Excellence status for at least three years and have demonstrated strong leadership in promoting inclusion across a network of schools.

    Flagship status enables a school to advance its inclusion efforts through internal research. Our school has created a research project outline to further enhance our already excellent inclusive practices. This project, replacing the previous Centre of Excellence targets, will run for around three years, with annual reviews and clearly defined next steps.

  • What is Centre Of Excellence Status?

    Becoming a Centre of Excellence provides opportunities for schools to build on the success of being one of the very special schools which holds the Inclusion Quality Mark award. A Centre of Excellence brings schools together to share and build on their existing good practice in inclusion best practice.

    St. William’s was awarded Centre of Excellence status in recognition of the work we do to support children of all abilities and all needs. In our most recent report the assessor stated, 

    ‘St. Williams’ Catholic Primary School is a superbly inclusive primary school. It is a vibrant, ever-changing, and developing community with a happy, family-orientated environment where many exciting things happen in and out of the classroom. It is a Catholic School that celebrates each child, embraces differences, creates space for forgiveness and a journey towards shared understanding of God’s love, which reflects that the pupils are listened to and valued, they feel they belong and continue to achieve and grow.’

  • Other comments made by external partners throughout our IQM assessment days…

    The adults and children I have spent time with are a credit to the school. Classes are always calm, attentive and children present as happy and proud to be part of the school community.’

    ‘I find the culture at this school very caring and professional which filters through all the staff and children I interact with.’

  • Reports

Useful Resources

  • Wigan Local Offer

    Wigan Council provides information of services ("Wigan Local Offer") which could support children and young people with SEND

    Click here to find out more:

  • The Autism Pathway and Service

    The Autism Pathway and Service work with schools, teachers and parents to help support children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), you will find further information at the link below:

    Or, if you prefer to speak to somebody, please call the SENDS team on 01942 486136.

  • EMBRACE Wigan & Leigh

    EMBRACE have a wide range of support, events, activities and training for families of children with disabilities and young adults. Click here to find out more. 

    Or, telephone 01942 233323

  • Wigan Family Welfare

    A useful website that describes the counselling service we have in school.

  • Wigan Council’s Targeted Education Support Service (TESS)

    Information about what TESS is, what they do and how you can get their help.

  • ATeam Hub

    The Ateam Hub offers support to children and young adults with Neurodevelopmental issues such as autism, ADHD, Cerebal Palsy and other SEND conditions; their families, and carers in the Wigan Borough and also North West. The service focuses on pre & post-diagnostic support and life-changing early intervention with autistic children and young people. 

  • Brighter Dayz

    Brighter Dayz is a charity organisations that provides flexible and immediate respite care for children and young adults with complex health needs and disabilities. The centre provides a variety of indoor and outdoor activities to engage and inspire all those with disabilities and Special Educational Needs.

    At Brighter Dayz, children and adult users experience a sense of space and freedom within a safe, supervised environment where they are actively encouraged to take part in activities that build self-confidence, social skills and self-esteem. The organisation’s high quality care provides parents and carers with some much needed respite: time to rest; spend time with their other children; or simply go for a coffee with friends.

    Or, telephone 01942 834363

  • Wigan and Leigh Deaf Children’s society

    Wigan and Leigh Deaf Children’s Society is a registered charity that offers support to families by holding regular stay and play sessions for newly diagnosed children and primary aged children where parents can get together with other parents. 

  • British Dyslexia Association

    A useful website with information about dyslexia, assessment and identification, exam concessions, etc.

  • ADHD Foundation

    ADHD Foundation

    A useful website that provides information and guidance around Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS)

    Provides a free and comprehensive source of information for young people, parents and professionals about the range of mental health difficulties and disorders that may be encountered during childhood and adolescence.

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