Being a Governor is a very important role and means making decisions which benefit the children, families and staff at our school. It is an experience which is enriching, rewarding, fulfilling and educating. Governors come from a wide source of people in the community, parents, teachers, the local authority and the general community.
Often Governors are approached at the request of the Headteacher however as Parent/Staff Governor vacancies arise notice is given across the school community, any person wishing to put themselves forward goes through an election process at which all families/staff have the opportunity to vote. Upon election, the Governor is in office for 4 years, unless they resign from the position. All Governors have full voting rights and Governors are elected annually onto committees at the first full Governing Board meeting each new academic year.
Our Governors meet at least once a term as a full Governing Board and discuss a wide range of issues that can impact on the school. Topics on the agenda can include measuring school performance, discussing the latest views on educational content from the government department, receiving reports from subject leaders regarding initiatives and hearing about the school’s successes.
The remit for the Governing Body is to:
a) Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
b) Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and
its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
c) Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well
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