British Values Statement
St William’s Catholic Primary School is an inclusive school underpinned by our Mission Statement of “By following Jesus example, standing side by side, we will nurture each other to fulfil our hopes and dreams.” We prepare children to take their place in society, empowering them to become responsible citizens who will contribute positively, locally, nationally and globally.
The core British values are:
St William’s School have a school council, comprising of one pupil from each class who are nominated by their classmates to represent them. The group meets regularly with staff, governors and parents in a discussion forum with the aim of working towards improving both our school andwider communities. Each class’ councillor is elected by their fellow classmates and the class teacher. This is done to demonstrate democracy to the children.
Individual Liberty
Children are encouraged to make good choices by all adults employed working within our school. These choices are reinforced by themes covered in PSHE ‘SCARF’ lessons delivered weekly. Our Mini Whistlers system encourages the development of leadership qualities together with a collective sense of responsibility. Children in positions of responsibility are encouraged to be positive role models for their peers.
The Rule of Law
As a Catholic school great emphasis is placed upon values of respect, tolerance and forgiveness for others, this is also a particular focus of our ‘Come and See’ programme.
Mutual Respect
Our school ethos is centred upon mutual respect and the belief that all members of our community deserve respect. A cross-curricular approach ensures that this value is promoted through all aspects of the life of our school, where the individual is cherished and encouraged to understand the effect of behaviour and attitudes to others.
Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs
Our school’s diversity is celebrated and children are taught that the faiths and beliefs of others should be respected. We look at a variety of World Religions through our Come and See programme. We learn about and celebrate other cultures during ‘Multicultural’Week’.
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