By following Jesus' example, standing side by side, we will nurture each other to fulfil our hopes and dreams

Here is a video showing what life is like for the children attending St William's.  We hope it gives you a feel of what life is like for our pupils.

Headteacher's Welcome

We are extremely proud of the success of our children and together, we want each one of them to excel within our very caring community where standards are high and our expectations are consistent and clear. Our high expectations apply not only to our children but also to our staff as we strive to develop the best possible learning environment for the children entrusted in our care. 

Together, we aim to make our school and Nursery a lively, happy place where children can learn in a positive Christian atmosphere. The dedicated staff plan the curriculum and organise their classrooms in such a way that children are well motivated and enjoy being at school. By creating a caring environment with the emphasis on co-operation and mutual respect, we expect a high standard of social behaviour and every child to develop their full potential

We are also proud of our school and its reputation within the community. Together, we expect the highest standards from our children and we celebrate with you and them when they do well. We aim to work in partnership with parents/guardians to ensure the best possible education provision for our children. 

Although a Catholic school, children from different faiths, cultures and backgrounds attend St. William’s and all are warmly welcomed by our school community.

We look forward to welcoming you to the school!

Emily Ellis

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